Friday, 11 April 2008

Spring Fashion shows

Here is some of fashion shows I speacially loved this summer. I hope you like it. :)


I totally loved those last big Dolce&Gabbana's graphic dresses!! They are so extreme but same time really feminine.

Louis Vuitton; Those nurses are just genius! Can't really say anything else.

This spring's adores

I just read newest British Vogue. There were so much lovely goodies. I Just have to show you some of my favorites.

First of all. These make-ups by Dior. So damn beautiful. Just adore that silver. I think those models look kind of fairy. Love it. (C)

I found these converse's shoes from store, they are so beautiful. I don't usually wear snickers, but these i just fall in love. (C)

This photo is from Burberry Prorsum's show. I think fuchsia is so hot this spring and summer. I like that style and belt. (C)

(C) means that there I have copy those pics. :)

Friday Night

So, I started to write a blog. I have tryied many times, but now I try harder. I am going to write here, about my life, my addiction about fashion, shoes and everything pretty. I get my vision about this blog from finnish fashion magazine "Trendi". There were little introducion about fashion blogs, it sounds intresting so I thought that I should make my own. Name 'Mile in these shoes'
I got from Jennifer Lopez's song. I just love that song right now.